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Evolving Trends in Scalp Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant in Indore, Hair Transplant Cost in Indore
Hair Transplant in Indore
Hair loss is not an old problem and at present, almost all the people are aware of male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss is a hormonal scalp problem where genes also play a major role in removing the hairs from the scalp. According to the hair loss experts, hair transplant is the main and permanent treatment for hair loss. The Marmm Klinik is one of the best clinics for Hair Transplant in Indore and the specialist of the clinic has developed new tools and techniques to increase the efficiency of their treatment. 

In fact, hair transplant is, indeed, the best treatment but it is not free from some drawbacks like scarring, side effects, and bad hair transplant. Therefore, the experts are still trying to improve the positive effects of the surgery. In this process, there are many hair transplant trends that have evolved. 

This improvement is necessary since the patients are more educated and concerned regarding the results of hair transplant surgery. They like to have only benefits and nothing else. This is the reason, hair loss patients are very careful while they choose the clinic for hair restoration. Thus, all the authentic clinics also try to bring some unique and trusted ideas to improve the hair transplant procedure. 

Some of the latest trends in hair transplant surgery field are explained below. 

Hair Transplant techniques:

Mainly two techniques are used to remove and insert the hair follicles and these techniques are called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. Both are effective but nowadays, people are in favor of the FUE technique since this technique does not have any drawbacks like scaring that is a common phenomenon in the case of FUT. Moreover, experts are trying to make these techniques more effective. 

Body Hair Transplant:

This is a totally new trend and this procedure is helpful for those who do not have a strong donor area. In fact, thick and dense donor hairs are essential for the success of the surgery but sometimes, the patients have weak hair follicles on the scalp. In this condition, experts decide to perform body hair transplant in which they remove the hair from any part of the body like beard, mustache, eyebrows etc. 

Beard Hair transplant:

Beard hair transplant or facial hair transplant is very popular among the people who do not have a full beard. It is done for restoring other facial parts as well. People are concerned about their looks. Therefore, they do not like to live with an immature beard. 

As you can see, the hair transplant field is moving towards the perfection and experts are trying to eliminate all the disadvantages of hair transplant. One of the major issues for the patients is Hair Transplant Cost in Indore. The clinics are working to resolve this issue as well by providing cost-effective treatments. The Marmm Klinik is one of such clinics. You can come to the clinic for proper guidance.


  1. Nice article. Thanks for sharing this blog. Get in touch with the team of experienced surgeon for the treatment of Hair transplant in Punjab.


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