Hair Transplant in Indore Hair Transplant surgery is a complete solution for hair loss or male pattern baldness. In this procedure, your own hairs are removed from the back and sides and transplanted to the recipient area. The Marmm Klinik is the best clinic for Hair Transplant in Indore . The hair loss experts of the clinic say that hair transplant surgery is an awesome hair restoration procedure and generally, the results are completely natural after the surgery. Most of the hair loss patients have preferred this treatment just because of the natural look and real hair. In most of the cases, the patients may have any haircut or hairstyle. However, very short hair cut is always a matter of discussion due to some reasons. In this blog, we are going to discuss this matter. Can a person shave his head or has a short haircut after the hair transplant To answer this question, we must have a look at the two main hair transplant techniques and in this blog, we are
Hair loss or baldness can affect anyone at any age, every individual sheds around 100 hairs in a day, but this is normal, when a person is witnessing hair loss for more than 250 hairs in a day than it can be either alopecia or a situation of heavy hair loss, in this situation he needs treatment to give a permanent stoppage to hair loss. Marmm Klinik provides the Best Hair Loss Treatment in Indore focussing on positive results for each patient.