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What PRP Hair Treatment do to Stepping Up the Life of Hairs?

Hair Transplant in Bhopal
Hair Transplant in Bhopal
Hair loss is a common problem and you can see the affected hair and scalp in all age groups and both genders. The Marmm Klinik is one of the best hair restoration clinics that treat hair loss or alopecia  or bladness with the help of Hair Transplant in Bhopal. The experts of this clinic say that it is the best step if the patients can visit the clinic before the conditions are extremely severe. 

The experts say that if the patients come to the clinic when they have just observed the initial signs of baldness, they can be treated with the help of some non-surgical treatment like PRP Hair Loss Treatment. Similarly, PRP is effective in the case of temporary hair loss. 

Hair loss can be temporary and this type of hair loss occurs due to several environmental, health and social reasons. On the other hand, permanent hair loss is the result of hormonal changes and the root cause of this type of hair loss is usually genetic. Permanent hair loss is also called male pattern baldness. 

PRP hair loss treatment is beneficial in the case of temporary hair loss and doctors recommend it in the case of initial sign of male pattern baldness as well. 

Let us have a look at PRP to know more about this effective Hair Loss Treatment. 

Introduction of PRP

The full form of PRP is platelet-rich plasma. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is obtained from the blood of the patient. The expert usually makes injections with the help of PRP and inject them into the scalp of the patients. Experts say that PRP has growth factors that are essential for hair re-growth and healing of the tissues. 

The Procedure of PRP Hair Loss Treatment 

During the treatment, the expert draws some drops of blood from the body of the patients and keeps the blood sample into a centrifuge. This machine separates the blood into three layers called platelet poor plasma, red blood cells and platelet-rich plasma. The experts collect platelet rich plasma and make special injections for the patient. 

The results of this procedure are amazing and the patients can see the changes from the first PRP session. 


Usually, there are no side effects if you have chosen the best PRP expert. The expert checks your hair and scalp before proceeding and some blood tests are also carried out. Generally, you are not allowed to have the treatment if your platelet count is below the normal count or you are facing some chronic disease. 

If you are facing hair loss or baldness, you may come to the Marmm Klinik that provides reasonable Hair Transplant Cost in Bhopal and appropriate hair restoration treatments. Suitable hair loss treatment is chosen for you after full checkup of the scalp and hair.


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