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How to recycle the different phases of hair growth cycle with Hair transplant?

Hair Clinic in Indore, Hair Doctor in Indore

Hair Clinic in Indore

Hair Transplant is among those treatments which give immense happiness to the patients. As because of it, many people flaunt their hair again. Hair Transplantation is a process in which follicles from one part of the body is taken and then it is shifted to another part of the body. Mostly males deal with this issue on a large scale but women are also not intact with it. They also face the problem of thinning. Male has to suffer from baldness mostly in the middle of the scalp and the back of the scalp. It is now easy to get rid of this and get back the natural-looks with a simple procedure. There are many Hair Doctor in Indore, who perform this surgery and positive outcomes have been received from the patient’s end.

There are some precautions which are to be taken care of during the process and even after the restoration. After a time interval, you will have the best version of your hair. This process is absolutely safe and preferable. Nowadays there are advancements in the transplant surgery. It is popular and preferred by doctors for the restoration of hair loss. It is precise and gives natural results.

There are different phases of hair growth cycle
1. In the first phase, after the transplantation surgery, your hair grows around half an inch a month, and faster in the summer than in winter. The growth phase, lasts an average of 3-5 years, so a full-length follicles averages 18 to 30 inches. 

2. The second phase is a short transitional phase that lasts approximately 10 days.

3. The third and the last phase, when your follicles is released and falls out. The follicle then remains inactive for 3 months and the whole process is repeated. Each follicle is independent and goes through the growth cycle at different times, otherwise all your follicles would fall out at once. 

The procedure for every type of surgery uses highly advanced equipment. Both types of surgeries have their own costs and depends upon the procedure. The cost of the transplantation depends upon condition of baldness in a patient, types of techniques used for the surgery, number of grafts used during the transplant, area of transplantation, extra care and irregularities if any occurs during the surgery.

It is a procedure which gives excellent results. There are many surgeons and doctors who are performing this procedure but one should consult the best doctor and clinic who are experts in their field and are working from years to provide best to their patients. Marmm Clinic is working from years to provide the best treatment. We can even say that they have the Hair clinic in Indore. Though each and everything has its pros and cons. Transplantation is no other when it comes to availability on the donor site. Some factors play a role in the transplantation like age and availability of follicles on the donor side etc. but it is still one of the solutions which people are adapting to overcome the problem of baldness.


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