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Healing After Your First Hair Transplant Session | Hair Transplant in Indore

Hair Transplant in Indore, Hair Transplant Cost in Indore
Hair Transplant in Indore

Hair transplant is one of the best solutions for people having baldness or hair loss, it is one of the best solutions to get permanent hair growth at the place of baldness, although it is a big decision and one needs to be very careful at the time of selecting the surgeon or clinic, if you are looking for the best services for the Hair Transplant in Indore Marmm Clinic provides one of the best hair transplants within affordable Hair Transplant Cost in Indore, Readout this article in which the experts at Marmm Clinic are explaining the healing process after the first hair transplant.

Immediately after the Hair Transplant 

Just after your hair transplant, you will notice a new hairline, there are chances that it will not look so pleasant to you but you may have to expect as there will be scabbing around each follicle. 

Normal Things to Expect After the Process


There are very minimal chances that patients will face bleeding after the hair transplant process. If it occurs it is recommended to consult the doctor immediately.


It is normal that patients feel crust formation on the recipient site for a few days after the surgery, it is a kind of healing process which helps in overall hair transplant results. 


Patients suffer from swelling for around 2-3 days after hair transplant surgery, it is not all riskier and your surgeon will provide you medication for it. 


Pain is the general symptom after every treatment related to skin, and it is common that individual will face pain in the first week of hair transplant, it is manageable with pain relief medication provided by your surgeon. 

When to Start Outdoor Activities After a Hair Transplant Process?

Usually, it is recommended to avoid any kind of activities for at least one week after the hair transplant, you can start normal activities after 2-3 days but you should need to avoid any kind of head movements or bending for at least 1 week, this all helps in healing the hair transplant process.

Things to Avoid for some days after a Hair Transplant Process

Swimming or any kind of water activity is strictly prohibited for at least 2 weeks after a hair transplant. 

It is also avoidable to go in direct sunlight for at least 2-3 weeks after the hair transplant, you can wear a soft hat if it is necessary to go anywhere outside. 


A hair transplant is a proven clinical procedure and it is important to select a good hair transplant surgeon and a reputed clinic to perform your hair transplant to have a very successful and result-oriented hair transplant without any issue. Marmm Clinic provides one of the best Hair Transplants in Indore within affordable Hair Transplant Cost in Indore. The best thing is it also provides the best aftercare and instructions to follow, in order to get the speedy recovery and good results of your surgery.


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