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When to Expect Growth of Hairs After Hair Transplant?

Hair Doctor in Indore, Hair Clinic in Indore
Hair Doctor in Indore, Hair Clinic in Indore
Hair transplant is the best option in order to cover the hair loss and bald area with the natural growth of hair but the results of it mostly depends upon the surgeon who is performing your hair transplant. Marmm Klinik is one of the best clinics having the best team of Hair Doctor in Indore. Read this article to know about the duration in which the hair starts to grow effectively after a hair transplant when it is performed with safe and effective means. 

Hair Growth After 3 Months of a Hair Transplant 

In the first three months of the hair transplant, most people notice that their transplanted hair start falling and they generally witness no or very little new growth of hair, or we can say, in the first few weeks of hair transplant even the transplanted hair tends to shed and it feels disappointing. 

In some cases, it is also common that after the Hair Transplant, the native hairs in the transplanted area can also be pushed into the resting phase, which means that there are chances that the native hair may also become thin. This situation is termed as shock loss or shedding. 

The best part of getting treatment at a good hair transplant clinic is thinning of hair in the recipient area gets decreased and the condition of shock loss also depends upon the surgeons’ experience and qualifications. 

Hair Growth After 12 Months of a Hair Transplant 

If you had your hair transplant from a good hair transplant surgeon, your shock loss or shedding phase will pass in 3 to 5 months, after which you will observe new growth of hair, generally, a successful hair transplant will result in new growth of hair within 5 to 12 months of a hair transplant. 

Between 12 and 18 months of a hair transplant, you will notice the continued progress of your newly grown hair grafts with improving texture and thickness. 

Shock loss, shedding, new hair growth, all these depend upon the doctor whom you had chosen for performing your Hair Transplant. Only a good hair transplant witnesses good results instead there are several side-effects. So it is important that you should choose a good hair transplant clinic in order to achieve good results. 

Marmm Klinik is one of the best Hair Clinic in Indore, it owns a very good history of serving Hair Transplant, it is proudly the best clinic for providing satisfying results to patients with very least or no shedding of hair and speedy growth of hair after a Hair Transplant.


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