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When Would We Require More Than One Hair Transplant Session?

Hair Transplant in Indore, Hair Transplant Cost in Indore
Hair Transplant in Indore

Hair Transplant surgery is an important procedure for the treatment of male and female pattern baldness. The Marmm Klinik is one of the best clinics for Hair Transplant in Indore. According to the experts of the Marmm Klinik, hair transplant is a surgical treatment that is performed with the help of the patient’s own hair. These hairs are removed from the back and sides of the scalp and transplanted to the recipient areas. 
This procedure is trusted and authentic in most situations if the expert is well trained and experienced. 
Generally, the experts are efficient to bring satisfactory results for the patients with the help of only one session but sometimes it is needed to perform more than one surgery. 
Before we talk about the need for a second session or surgery, let us have a look at the general activities performed during the Hair Transplant surgery. 
Generally, the surgeons do not think about a second session and they achieve this goal as well. Efficient and qualified doctors can improve the density of the hair on the bald areas. 
The surgeons use two main techniques for the surgery called Follicular Unit Transplant and Follicular Unit Extraction. 
Let us have a brief description of both the techniques. 

Follicular Unit Transplant:

In this procedure, a strip of skin is removed from the scalp and hairs are harvested from the strip. Finally, the harvested hairs are transplanted to the recipient area. 

Follicular Unit Extraction:

In this technique, hairs are removed from the donor site randomly with the help of a tiny instrument.

With the help of these two techniques, experts are able to bring natural results for the patients but in some conditions, the patients may need a second hair transplant.

Let us examine the reasons that force a surgeon to perform a second surgery. 

When the Patient is not Satisfied

This is the most common when the patients do not think that he has got satisfactory results. If it is possible to meet his requirements, the surgeon may decide to perform a second surgery. 

Further Hair Transplant

However, the surgeons perform the first surgery when the baldness is stable and there is no chance of further hair loss but nature is after all nature and it may cause further hair loss, building new bald areas. These new bald areas need another Hair Transplant Surgery. 
Generally, the first attempt satisfies the patients but in some rare cases, a second hair transplant may help in improving the density of hair. However, it may somehow increase the Hair Transplant Cost in Indore. You can visit the Marmm Klinik for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. The experts of the clinic are efficient to bring natural results for the patients and usually, the number of sessions is only one.


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